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Privacy Policy

Dear Customer,

We would like to inform you that your personal details you have provided will be used by  and released to other companies in full compliance with the provisions of:

directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the handling and dissemination of personal information;
directive 97/66/EC regarding the protection of privacy in telecommunications;
directive 97/07/EC and Italian legislative decree 185/99 regarding consumer protection in long-distance contracts;
directive 00/31/EC regarding electronic commerce;
Italian legislative decree 196 of 30 June 2003 concerning the protection of personal information;
Italian legislative decree 70/2003 regarding electronic commerce
Below is a summary of all of the activities that we conduct that involve the receipt, storage, or other handling of your personal information, as well as of the purposes for which each activity is conducted.

receipt and storage of your personal information for the purpose of providing electronic commerce services for our products and of providing the legal authorities with the information required;
processing the personal information provided and gathered as a result of your internet use, based on the process described in greater detail in the general service conditions, in order to create your commercial profile
use of your commercial profile by Poggi S.a.s. for the company’s own marketing purposes
receipt, storage, and handling of your personal information for administrative and accounting purposes, including transmission by electronic mail for the purposes of invoicing
use of your commercial profile by Poggi S.a.s. for third-party marketing purposes
Information processing shall be entirely automated in a process that makes it possible to assess a customer’s buying habits as demonstrated by that customer’s internet use. Using a system that gathers and stores data, Poggi S.a.s. shall ensure that this information will not include, either directly or indirectly, data that is considered sensitive as defined by Article 4(D) and Article 26 of Italian legislative decree 196/03. Therefore, we exclude a priori the possibility that any processing will concern sensitive data either directly or indirectly.

Authorization for the handling of personal information provided for the purposes specified under points (a), (b) and (d) above is required. Should such handling not be authorized, it will not be possible for Poggi S.a.s. to provide you with its services. Authorization for the handling of personal information for the purposes under points (c) and (e) above has to be given separately.

The data processor shall be Poggi S.a.s., whose headquarters are in Via XXV Aprile, 19 Corsalone 52010 Chiusi della Verna (Arezzo), Italy.

Any inquiries in accordance with Article 7 of Italian legislative decree 196/03 must be addressed to Poggi S.a.s. – Office of Personal Data Protection or sent by e-mail to the address info@poggigroup.com. The responsible for data processing pursuant to Article 29 of Italian legislative decree 196/03 is Poggi S.a.s. in the person of its legal representative.

Article 7 of leg. decree 196/03

As data subject, you have the right to receive confirmation of the existence or absence of personal information that concerns you, even if not yet recorded, and to receive a copy of such data in an intelligible format.
You also have the right to request information concerning:
the origin of the information;
the purpose of the information;
the processing methods;
details on the data processor and persons responsible for such data processing;
the parties to whom the information may be released.
You also have the right to request:
updates, corrections, or additions to the information on file;
that the information be removed or made anonymous, or that data processed illegally be blocked, including information which is not required for the purposes for which it was gathered or subsequently processed;
verification that the transactions specified above have been brought to the attention of parties to whom the data has been disclosed or disseminated, unless such requirement should prove impossible or should require a disproportionate use of resources as compared with the right to be protected.
Furthermore, you have the right to object, in whole or in part:
and for just cause, to the handling of personal information that concerns you, even if related to the purposes for which the data was collected;
to the handling of personal information that concerns you for the purposes of sending marketing materials.